Shea-Porter, Kuster Announce $55,000 Grant to CATCH Neighborhood Housing


WASHINGTON, D.C. – April 23, 2013 – (RealEstateRama) — Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter and Congresswoman Annie Kuster are pleased to announce that CATCH Neighborhood Housing, a nonprofit housing services organization in Merrimack County, has been selected as the recipient of a $55,000 federal grant from NeighborWorks America. The grant was awarded through a competitive process, and it will allow CATCH Neighborhood Housing to continue to preserve affordable housing for low- or moderate- income individuals and families of Merrimack County.

Congresswoman Annie Kuster in National News
Congresswoman Annie Kuster in Social Media

“Affordable housing is a crucial step on the pathway to the middle class,” Shea-Porter said. “Public-private partnerships like these are essential to economic growth and creating vibrant, family-friendly communities. I congratulate CATCH Neighborhood Housing and thank them for their hard work on behalf of the residents of Merrimack County.”

“Ensuring that all Granite Staters have access to safe, affordable housing is critical for strengthening our communities and growing the middle class,” Kuster said. “With these federal investments, CATCH Neighborhood Housing can build on the vital work it’s doing on behalf of individuals and families throughout Merrimack County, and I want to congratulate them on this important recognition.”

CATCH Neighborhood Housing may use the funds for a variety of purposes, including, making loans to individuals who cannot be adequately served by local financial institutions (including homeowners to improve their homes or potential homeowners who wish to purchase affordable housing); and funding the acquisition and rehabilitation, or construction of affordable housing properties.

CATCH Neighborhood Housing was founded in the late 1980’s as real estate prices were soaring and it was becoming increasingly difficult for working people to find an apartment at a price they could afford. To address this problem, a group of community leaders came together – people with experience in affordable housing, lawyers, business people, and residents – and the Concord Area Trust for Community Housing was born. These individuals tapped into a patchwork of financing that would enable CATCH to buy properties, renovate them, and then sell or rent them to people making significantly less than the median income in the Merrimack County area. In May of 2006, CATCH became known as CATCH Neighborhood Housing and renewed its commitment to provide innovative housing solutions to individuals and families in Merrimack County.

NeighborWorks America is a public nonprofit organization, established by Congress in 1978 as the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (through Public Law 95-557) and is the nation’s original community/public/private partnership model, with locally-driven, efficient community development and leverage of the public investment as its hallmarks. Over the past 35 years, NeighborWorks America and its affiliated local community-based NeighborWorks organizations have consistently replicated this model in more than 4,500 communities in all 50 states. Over the past five years NeighborWorks America and its affiliated NeighborWorks network and their partners have invested nearly $20.5 billion in America’s urban, rural, and suburban communities, and assisted more than 1.35 million families with affordable housing and homeownership counseling.

Ben Wakana, 202-225-5456


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