Kuster Announces Federal Grants for New Hampshire’s Second District


Washington, DC – April 14, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — This afternoon, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) announced two new federal Rural Development grants for New Hampshire’s Second District. The first grant, in the amount of $22,500, has been awarded to the Town of Stoddard and the Davis Public Library. The second, in the amount of $9,000, has been awarded to the Family Resource Center in Gorham. Both grants will be used to update each organization’s electronic infrastructure, which will help improve local services offered to community residents.

“I’m a long-time supporter of USDA Rural Development’s grant programs, which bolster local efforts to provide economic development support for our Granite State families and businesses in rural areas,” said Congresswoman Annie Kuster. “Updating electronic infrastructure is vitally important for organizations that provide job-search assistance and career training, and I’m proud to announce these grants, which will help ensure local community members can access the services they need to learn about new career growth opportunities.”

The Town of Stoddard’s $22,500 grant will be used to purchase, upgrade, and install computer, internet, and networking equipment, as well as a security system, and to build an outdoor gazebo from which community members can access the library’s free wifi when the library is closed. Inability to access internet services poses a major problem to many job seekers in NH, so expanding this service will help support job growth and career development services in the area.

The Family Resource Center in Gorham works to support the health and economic wellbeing of families in the North Country. The Family Resource Center’s $9,000 grant will be used to purchase computers and update its currently obsolete electronic equipment in order to provide better resources for the communities that rely on the Center’s services.


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